Saturday 8 October 2016

Pa. Town Holds 'Safety Day' for Public to Meet Emergency Responders

An event on Sunday will provide a chance for the public to meet their emergency response teams...Read more

The Benefits of Birth Control in Topsail Island

birth-control-in-topsail-islandDespite the controversial position birth control pills have held in recent years and in the past, they have some serious benefits for women who opt to use them. While they’re traditionally used as contraceptives, there are several other reasons women everywhere might just find taking birth control to be in their best interests. Some of the benefits include:

  • The regulation of menstruation. Keeping up with your cycle is important for health reasons, and it’s much easier if it’s regulated. This makes it easier to keep track of irregularities and other potential problems.

  • They can be used to treat irregular cycles. Not only does birth control prevent cycles from becoming irregular, but it can also structure an already irregular period predictably.

  • Birth control can be used to treat unusually painful or heavy periods as well, making this time much more bearable for women everywhere.

  • This can prevent, treat or reverse several physical issues such as acne, excessive and unwanted hair growth and hair loss in women. The pills accomplish this by straightening out the responsible hormones, which are most often the cause of these types of problems.

These are just a handful of the excellent benefits that birth control pills have to offer aside from just preventing pregnancy. To learn more about birth control in Topsail Island, visit this website.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Steps to Take After Being Injured at Work

If you’ve been in the unfortunate position of being injured on the job, you want to make sure you take the proper steps to protect yourself and ensure that your medical costs are taken care of so you can recover. Here are some steps you should take after you’ve been injured at work.

Report the Injury

The first step you should take is to report the injury, no matter how small you may think it is. A sprained ankle is still an injury, and should be reported. Certain states have different laws as to how long you have to report the injury, but the sooner you write down what happened the better because the details will be fresh in your mind.

Get Copies of your Report

Once you've filled out an injury report and had it signed by the proper personnel, ask for copies to keep for your records. Your insurance company or doctors may require copies of the report for your medical file and it’s easier to procure if you already have copies on hand.

See a Medical Professional

You should make an appointment to see a doctor as soon as you can after you’ve been injured. You must also follow any medical directions your doctor gives you, because if you don’t your company may not be required to cover the medical costs.

Follow these steps after you've been injured and you should have no problems having your company cover your medical costs. To learn more about workplace injury in San Diego, visit this website.

What Lab Work Can Tell You about Your Body

lab-work-in-san-diegoLab work can tell you a lot about how your body is functioning on the inside. It’s a good idea to get at least a general blood test done regularly because it can sometimes reveal problems that you didn’t know you had. Finding them ahead of time can make all the difference when it comes to curing diseases.

Blood Work

A lot of the lab tests that are done are on samples of your blood, as there are many diseases that can be caught by examining it. In some cases, it may be that a simple test just shows an abnormal level of certain blood cells. This can be an important indicator that additional tests must be done to determine the cause. Precursors to certain conditions, such as coronary heart disease, can sometimes caught at an early enough stage that lifestyle changes can help keep it from progressing.

Urine Tests

Besides blood, another substance that is often tested is urine. By looking at what is present in your waste fluid, it’s possible to get information about your bodily functions, particularly the kidneys. Some liver abnormalities can also be detected through examining the urine.

Many times people are scared to get lab tests done, for fear that something will be revealed. However, it’s better to know ahead of time and, hopefully, prevent diseases from happening. If you are concerned that something in your body may not be working properly, you can find out more information about lab work in San Diego at this website.

Okla. First Responders Remind Drivers to Pull Over for Emergency Vehicles

First responders to emergency situations face daily dangers on the streets and highways...Read more

Benefits of Urgent Care

urgent-care-center-in-san-diegoWhen you’re sick, the last thing you want to do is spend time calling doctors to get an appointment and sit in a waiting room with other sick people. The best thing for your recovery is to get rest. Next time you’re finding yourself under the weather, consider visiting your urgent care center. Here are some reasons why it’s beneficial for your health and recovery.

Convenient Hours

Urgent care centers often have longer hours than a traditional doctor’s office. That means that you won’t have to worry about taking extra sick time from work for a doctor’s visit and you can go when it’s convenient for you and your schedule without the hassle of making an appointment.

They’re Compatible with Most Insurances

Unlike your primary doctor, which likely only accepts one or two major insurance carriers, urgent care accepts multiple major insurance companies. That means you won’t have to worry about whether or not your visit will be covered.

It’s Affordable

Despite what many think about urgent care, visits are quite affordable. In fact, visiting urgent care over taking a trip to the emergency room can save you some serious cash. Most insurance carriers cover urgent care visits, so check with yours to identify your company. Next time you’re sick and don’t want to wait to get in to see your doctor, consider the benefits of urgent care. To learn more about urgent care center in San Diego, visit this website.

Monday 3 October 2016

Benefits of Pre-Employment Screening

pre-employment-screening-in-san-diegoThe hiring process can be exhaustive and you want to be sure that you’re hiring the right person for the job and your company. To help you with the hiring process, consider screening your employees before extending an offer. Here are some of the benefits of implementing this process for your business.

Saves Time

Hiring takes a lot of time, which translates to money spent searching for the right candidate. Screening saves your company time by ensuring that applicants are worth interviewing before you give them a call.

Manages Employee Turnover

When you hire an employee you want them to invest a significant amount of their career in your company. If you don’t screen your employees, however, you may be hiring a job hopper. Save yourself the money by screening them to investigate their past employment and identify any signs that they may not stay.

Identify the Right Employees

The ultimate goal of hiring a new employee is to find the right person who aligns with your company’s mission and will be profitable for business. Screening helps you identify who will be a good fit for your company and whose applications you can disregard.

When you think about it, it only makes sense to screen your employees before hiring them. You want people working for you who have a solid employment history and no criminal record. If you want to learn more about pre-employment screening in San Diego, check out this website.

Dependable Doctors

Your health is important, so you need a doctor that puts your well-being above all else. Trust the professionals that really know how to connect with their patients while providing the best possible care available.

Common Flu Symptoms

Its flu season and you’re feeling under the weather. You may be wondering if you have a cold or if it could be something worse. If you’re having a hard time telling if you have the flu, here are some of the most common symptoms to watch out for.

Body Aches

When you’re feeling achy all over or have a bad headache, this is a very common sign that you may have the flu.

Sore Throat

If your throat is feeling scratchy or sore, you may have the flu. It’s one of the earliest symptoms so keep an eye out for it.


Fever is a very common sign of the flu. Usually, your temperature will rise above 100°F and be accompanied by chills and body aches.


People often get dehydrated when they’re sick because they’re too ill to eat or drink. You should be closely monitored for this side effect whenever you have the flu.

Runny Nose and Cough

These two symptoms are fairly common with both a cold or flu and shouldn’t be cause for alarm.


When you have the flu, you’ll feel intense exhaustion. It’s your body’s way of telling you it needs to rest, so listen to it. Rest is the best medicine for the flu.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may have the flu. Learn more about the flu and illness treatment in San Diego by visiting this website.

What to do after Breaking a Leg

x-rays-in-san-diegoYou just broke your leg and are feeling panicked. Perhaps you’ve never broken a bone before, or the last time was when you were under your parent's care and they handled the process. If you’ve just broken your leg, here are some steps you should take.

Visit a Doctor

The first step you should take is to visit a doctor. They’ll want to take X-Rays and discuss your path to recovery.

Being Pain Management

A broken leg is painful, but you can manage the pain by following the PRICE method. Protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.

Modify your Lifestyle

Depending on the severity of your injury, your lifestyle may change very little or significantly. You may have to adhere to strict bedrest or need crutches to get around. Don’t overuse the leg or it could hinder the healing process.

Consider Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be beneficial in helping you heal. Your leg may atrophy some from lack of use and physical therapy will help you get your mobility, range of motion and strength back.

Ease into Activity Slowly

Ease back into your daily activities slowly. You don’t want to risk overdoing it and injuring yourself again. Watch for any complications and listen to your body; if you feel yourself being pushed too much back off.
Follow these tips after you’ve broken your leg and you’ll be back to your regular daily activities in no time. To learn more about x-rays in San Diego, check out this website.